How to fight cow farts and save the world

We all know about global warming, and we all want to save the planet. The average person on the planet is responsible for about four tons of carbon dioxide emissions per year, for a total of about 25 gigatons (thousand billion tons) ( Seems like a lot. Surprisingly, however, although it gets almost all of … Read more

Is the Killing (Abortion) of Human Embryos Always Murder?

Dr. Robert Edwards won the Nobel Prize in 2010 for developing in vitro fertilization. The mixing of eggs and sperm in the test tube makes early human embryos, which can then be surgically placed in the uterus of the hopeful mother, where they develop into babies. This technology creates life, allowing otherwise infertile couples to … Read more

A Trip to the Creation “Science” Museum

Oh Boy. Oh Joy. I live in Cincinnati, home of the “Creation Museum”. In case you didn’t know, it is a “museum” dedicated to a literal interpretation of the bible. Earth is only a few thousand years old. God created all life on earth as we see it today. Evolution is wrong, never happened. The … Read more

Dogs Prove Evolution

Dogs provide an interesting proof of evolution. Consider the astonishing variety of different dog breeds. There is the tiny Chihuahua, about six inches tall and weighing under six pounds. And other dogs are enormous, with the Irish wolfhound rising above a person when on his hind legs, and the Saint Bernard weighing over two hundred … Read more

Why Yamanaka Will Win the Nobel Prize

Stem cells are almost magical in their power. It is possible to turn stem cells into all other cell types of the body, including brain, heart and kidney. This is why they offer so much promise for the regeneration and repair of diseased and damaged organs. But the most powerful stem cells, those able to … Read more

Radical Cloning

There is a quiet revolution going on in the world of cloning.  Very few have heard of it, but its potential power is astonishing. Imagine a radical new way to clone that can not only create exact carbon copies of adults, but also allows the generation of important genetic improvements. Another you, but smarter, healthier, … Read more